
Digit news - AJAX in the spotlight

Digit news - AJAX in the spotlight

You know when a technology is making an impact when there's a conference dedicated to it. The Real-World AJAX Seminar is being held in San Jose, California, next week. Meanwhile, a two-day AJAX technical conference, AjaxWorld Conference & Expo, is planned for this October in Santa Clara, California.

AJAX is the front-end technology for sites like Google Maps/Calendar/etc and Flickr. It means Asynchronous Javascript and XML.

What it does it move the rendering of data to the client, which is done in the browser using Javascript and HTML. The client side then processes the XML from the server and can then send data back and request more. This means the server is just transferring data, which is what web servers are good for. As soon as they have to process/render information scalability becomes an issue. Transferring data can also be stateless so delivered from a number of systems in parallel where it doesn't matter what back-end system is connected to.

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