
Ofcom Website | Ofcom confirms changes to 0870 calls

Ofcom Website | Ofcom confirms changes to 0870 calls

Ofcom is making changes to various number ranges in-line with proposals they set out earlier.

0870 numbers (which currently exhibit a charge of about 8p per minute during the day) will drop such that they are no more than geographic numbers (as in 01/02 numbers). They will be removed from NTS determination (number translation services). This means it's no longer going to be able to generate revenue for 0870 users form inbound ingress.

Users are able to charge more, however then a caller announcement has to be made (at no cost to the caller) before the charged call goes through.

The changes come into play in 2008.

There are no planned changes to 0844/0845 numbers.

0871 numbers will fall under ICSTIS regulations (who govern premium rate numbers) regarding pricing, but by the end of 2006 there will be NO adult services of any type on 08 numbers.

By June 2006 any NTS numbers will need to be clearly along side normal numbers.

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