
Ofcom Website | Spectrum licences for broadband, wireless communications and mobile multimedia services

Ofcom Website | Spectrum licences for broadband, wireless communications and mobile multimedia services

Ofcom intend to auction licenses for spectrum at frequencies 452-1492MHz (40MHz) on a technology and application-neutral basis by March 2007.

It's expected licenses with last at least 15 years and be fully tradeable and technology and application neutral (though with some restrictions as part of the spectrum is under international arrangement).

The lower 27.5 MHz of the 40MHz available could be made available as one or more packages and the lower 27.5 MHz of the 40MHz available could be made available as one or more packages.

The award will be decided by a simultaneous multiple round auction.

It's expected that the spectrum could be used for such services as mobile TV (DVB-H or DMB), broadband wireless access using techologies such as WiMAX, satellite digital radio (the upper band would support S-DAB) and programme making (such as wireless cameras at sporting events).

The consultation period finishes on the 9th of June 2006 and Ofcom intends to publish later in 2006 with an auction taking place early in 2007.

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