
Availability of Numbering Resource | Ofcom

Availability of Numbering Resource | Ofcom

Ofcom are holding a consultation on reducing the number block allocations on certain exchanges were numbers are running out.

Ofcom normally allocate blocks of 10,000 numbers. Ofcom are proposing to reduce this to allocations of 1,000 numbers where numbers are becoming scarce.

This affects 59 new geographics codes (as well as the 79 existing conservation areas). There are also another 32 that, though are not at risk at present will be in the future.

Ofcom are proposing 2 options: -

Option 1: take conservation measures now on all 91 geographic area codes

Option 2: take conservation measures now on the 59 geographic area codes with the
additional 32 geographic area codes to be given conservation status in January 2008.

The consultation ends of 5th April 2007.

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