
Licence-Exemption Framework Review (LEFR) | Ofcom

Licence-Exemption Framework Review (LEFR) | Ofcom

Ofcom is holding a consultation on how they should approach License Exempt spectrum.

There are many issues: -

a) Should spectrum be reserved for exclusive licence-exempt use by a single wireless application (i.e. application-specific spectrum)? Or should multiple applications be allowed to share the spectrum (i.e. spectrum commons)?

b) What type of rules, if any, should be used to manage licence-exempt use of spectrum (e.g. rules of entry and operation within a spectrum commons)?

c) What is the relationship between light-licensing and licence-exemption? What are the circumstances under which one regime is preferable over the other?

d) Is there a frequency limit above which all spectrum use can be made exempt from licensing? If so, what is the value of this limit?

e) Is there a transmission power limit below which all emissions can be made exempt from licensing? If so, what is the value of this limit and how should it vary as a function of frequency?

f) What should our international stance towards licence-exemption be?

g) Should there be any degree of protection towards licence-exempt users of spectrum beyond our current legal obligations?

Ofcom also consider the commercial value of the spectrum and whether it would be better (more effectively) used in a license exempt or licensed manner.

The consultation closes on 21 June 2007.

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