
Innovate 100 winners and losers

The Innovate100 London Pitch!Slam competition took place last night. The event slowly took shape at the Media Hub in Carnaby Street.

There were 6 pitches then a break (and alcohol) and another 6 pitches. This was unfortunate as the second set of pitchers were confronted with a noisy audience who were now fuelled and some even slightly aggressive.

DBVu gave their first real public pitch as the first of the second round pitches, it went reasonably well (even if I say so myself), however it may have been slightly early in the scheme of things as DBVu haven't released any product as yet which would give them a low "G/score" which is the rating system used by Innovate100.

The event winners were Skimlinks who make it easy for publishers to earn money from affiliate marketing and Shutl who have a very innovative site allowing E-Commerce sites to deliver within 90 minutes or any (customer) chosen 1 hour slot.

As an established start-up it's worth applying to a local Pitch!Slam session.

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